
Our main objective is to provide our clients with a comprehensive service that offers complete and personalized solutions, allowing them to save time, money, and resources by centralizing all their needs with a single provider.


In the midst of digital transformation, our commitment to new technologies drives us to make continuous investments in order to offer our clients cutting-edge solutions.

Make it PossibleDesafío

Ponemos a su disposición nuestra oficina técnica, juntos podemos optimizar sus procesos para obtener los mejores resultados y rentabilizar al máximo su negocio.

Blades for recycling

We manufacture and distribute high-quality blades for recycling all types of industrial and post-consumer products. We have a wide range of models and steel qualities.

Blades for handling

We manufacture all types of blades for the transformation, handling, and packaging of industrial and food products, from circular blades for cutting, to blades for food packaging.

Sharpening service

We provide you with the blade sharpening service throughout the peninsula, just call us and we take care of everything, from pickup to delivery, in a maximum of 4 days.

Repair and sale of machinery

Manufacturing, repair, and sale of machinery: In order to provide our customers with a comprehensive service, we collaborate with one of the companies of the Castillo Group, ‘Industrial Solutions for Recycling’ SIR, which specializes in the manufacturing, repair, sale, and maintenance of equipment for the recycling industry.
working process at steel factory

working process at steel factory

working process at steel factory




Machinery manufacturing

At SIR, we manufacture machinery for the recycling of industrial and post-consumer products. We are proud to offer high-quality and efficient equipment that helps reduce the environmental impact on our planet. In addition, we do not limit ourselves to the sale of these equipment, but we also offer a complete maintenance and support service.

Equipment repair

At SIR, we specialize in the repair of recycling machinery. We know that keeping this equipment in good condition is essential to optimize the performance of the plant and any problem with them can cause delays and substantial economic losses.


In addition to repairs, at SIR we also offer a preventive maintenance service to minimize the occurrence of future problems. This includes regular inspections, lubrication, cleaning, and replacement of worn parts.

We strive to provide a personalized service to meet the needs of each customer. We understand that each recycling plant is different and, therefore, will require unique solutions, that’s why we work closely with our customers to ensure they are completely satisfied with our service.


Our proposal is clear and decisive: the remuneration of our reengineering services will be totally based on the improvement of the economic result that we are able to generate in your plant.

Cuchillas Castillo is part of Grupo Castillo, which develops its activity in the recycling sector, in the packaging sector and in the metalworking industry, achieving synergies that allow us to provide a comprehensive service to our customers.


Cuchillas Castillo

It is a leader in the Spanish market for industrial blades. For more than 25 years, we have been developing the highest quality products for the recycling and handling of industrial and post-consumer products.


Want to know what’s happening? On our blog, you can learn about upcoming industry events and read the latest news.
del castillo blanca

Se ha recibido de LABORA Servicio Valenciano de Empleo y Formación una subvención del programa indicado por la contratación indefinida y a jornada completa de persona/s desempleada/s pertenecientes a colectivos vulnerables, actuación susceptible de ser cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Comunitat Valenciana Fondo Social Europeo Plus (FSE+) 2021-2027 o por cualquier otro fondo de la Unión Europea.

Cuchillas Castillo S.L. ha sido beneficiaria de una ayuda para mejorar la competitividad y la sostenibilidad de las pymes industriales de la Comunitat Valenciana para el ejercicio 2023, dentro de la sexta fase de implantación del Plan Estratégico de Industria Valenciana.

Convocatoria: 2023 | Expediente: INPYME/2023/831 | Importe: 20.272 euros

Proyecto de inversión: Adquisición de Máquina de Limpieza por Ultrasonidos